The House in the Quiet Glen and The Family Portrait

Author, John Coulter

The House in the Quiet Glen and The Family Portrait book cover

Format: 1st edition hardback, fair condition
Dimensions: 129 pages, 4-7/8" x 7-7/8"
Published: 1937
Language: English
The following ISBNs are associated with this title:
ISBN - 10: n/a
ISBN - 13: n/a

Each of these plays is set in contemporary Ireland, the first in the glen in the mountains beyond the Clogher Valley and the second, in Belfast.  The subject matter of these plays is intended to be representative of daily concerns at that time.  Both plays contain stage direction and are, for the lack of actors, ready for performance.  Any Irish society investigating new ways in which to supplement their annual fund-raising income may find some interest in producing one or both of these plays.

Two separate plays includes melody scores of two Irish airs and sketch of stage setting used throughout second play.

ASR rating 17.


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